
Showing posts from August, 2016

Challenging Societal Norms: The Curse of Dowry

There are a lot of things in society we blindly accept without question. Most of these things might even be harming us yet we still take part in them in the name of 'culture'. One such societal norm is dowry. The concept of dowry entails a bride to bring with her a truck load of items for her new home. Furniture, appliances, cars or sometimes even a home! The more your bride brings the more your relatives burn with envy, I hear. Sounds like a great deal, doesn't it? Get a wife AND a ton of stuff for free! What a bargain. But let's look at it from the bride and her family's perspective. Exercise our almost never used muscle of empathy. Remember empathy? That little thing that makes us human. Helps us think of what the other person might be going through.  Let's cut to the chase, most people in Pakistan aren't very rich. We're still a developing nation, right? Well, now imagine all these families living in these financially tough times, just g