Challenging Societal Norms: The Curse of Dowry

There are a lot of things in society we blindly accept without question. Most of these things might even be harming us yet we still take part in them in the name of 'culture'. One such societal norm is dowry.
The concept of dowry entails a bride to bring with her a truck load of items for her new home. Furniture, appliances, cars or sometimes even a home! The more your bride brings the more your relatives burn with envy, I hear.

Sounds like a great deal, doesn't it? Get a wife AND a ton of stuff for free! What a bargain.
But let's look at it from the bride and her family's perspective. Exercise our almost never used muscle of empathy. Remember empathy? That little thing that makes us human. Helps us think of what the other person might be going through. 

Let's cut to the chase, most people in Pakistan aren't very rich. We're still a developing nation, right? Well, now imagine all these families living in these financially tough times, just getting by and now they realize they have to marry their daughter so they scrimp and save for a wedding which is expensive enough seeing as how you have to feed hundreds of people, spend of clothes, jewelry and what not! And on top of that, the grooms and his family want a little something to help ease the newly wed couple into their married life? Its an understanding between families that the bride won't come empty handed but she will come bearing gifts for the whole family (extended family included).

Just a few more lakhs on some basic necessities such as an LED TV and new car for a lifetime of your daughter's happiness. Great bargain!

However, last I check money doesn't grow on trees.

Society expects the bride's family to pay for 'dowry'. Things that both the husband and wife will use. So why should one party pay for it? And to top it all off, the things are sent to the groom's house. So essentially you are buying the groom and his family new things.

This is where Orient's new ad comes in. The ad challenges this societal norm of expecting the bride and her family to foot the bill of appliances and furniture the newly wed couple will receive. The ad shows the brides father counting money to make sure he has enough. When it comes for the time to pay, the groom steps in and says he will pay since the items will go in HIS house and he can't expect his father-in-law to pay.

Let's please take a minute and applaud this amazing man. I mean.,. No wonder the father gets emotional. In a society where the bride and her family are expected to pay for everything since getting the groom's hand in marriage is supposed to be the biggest favor to ever be bestowed upon someone, this guy did the most logical thing ever. And we must applaud him since this logical act has been forgotten in our society. And kudos to Orient for bringing it back!

Admit it or not, the ad makes you think. Considering the outreach this ad will have, I think its only fair for me to assume that some minds will be changed. 


  1. I agree with each and every word or your post, empathy is all we need!
    Well written post!
    Kudos to Orient for bringing it up!


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