
Showing posts from January, 2017

How to Make the Best Cup Of Coffee EVER

So it is unanimous (between all four of my personalities) that coffee is the best. Having said that, I didn’t always drink coffee, nope, I was under the impression that coffee lead to pimples. And that made me keep it an arm’s length cause I didn’t want pimples, hell no. I don’t think anyone WANTS pimples to be honest. But if you do, it's cool. No judgement.  So when Nescafe’s new ad  starring my woman crush Sajjal Ali aired my hankering for a nice steaming cup of joe became more persistent. So I cracked my knuckles and went on the good old internet to do a little research. And guess what, there is no study out there that has made a causal or correlational link between coffee and pimples! I was furious, I lost prime coffee drinking time but I also felt elated because, hey I could enjoy a nice cup of coffee without any worries. You can look at Sajjal's pretty face here: However, let me tell you why it is popularly believed that coffee causes pimples; because of su