Sparkistan: A Positive Pakistan

Every single day when I turn on the television to watch the news, all I see is negativity. The amount of negativity that we are fed everyday through various media tends to take a toll on us mentally. In all of this gloom, we need a breath of fresh air.

And for me, Sparkistan provided that relief.  Atlas Battery initiated their Sparkistan campaign; a campaign through which they highlighted several unsung heroes of the nation who have been doing great things for the country with little to no recognition. In the midst of all this negativity, Atlas Battery decided to bring us the positivity we so badly needed.

Source: Atlas Battery Facebook
Take the case of Mr. Fahad Ali, a resident of Karachi. His family fell on financially hard times when he was a child and he had to attend a local government school for a while. Fahad Ali saw firsthand how underfunded government schools are and how children from low socio-economic classes have little to no access to quality education. He made a promise to himself then and there that he would one day do something about this. Fast forward a couple of years, Fahad established the Aghaaz school system. The schools provide children from slum areas quality education and charge nothing at all.

Source: Atlas Battery Facebook
Then there is the young Zymal Umar who is the embodiment of the phrase that age is just a number. At the tender age of 9, Zymal became the youngest entrepreneur this world has seen! Zymal fashions stylish eco-friendly paper bags out of newspaper and sells them for a profit which she donates to different charities. Zymal’s bags serve two purposes; to reduce pollution in the environment by reducing the number of plastic bags used and helping other people with the profit she makes. Zymal’s selfless initiative should inspire everyone into doing a little something for those around them.

Source: Atlas Battery Facebook
Then comes Master Ayub, another great human being. A teacher by profession, Master Ayub’s lectures are not conventional. He teaches children who cannot afford to go to school in the evenings in different open spaces such as parks. He provides them with stationery and books as well; his aim is to develop the child’s interest in their studies. And with a teacher as dedicated and enthusiastic as Master Ayub, the enthusiasm is bound to be infectious! Master Ayub is a truly humble man who does not earn much but keeps a portion of his income for the children that he teaches. All of us can take a leaf out of his book and help those around us who do not have the same opportunities.

Source: Atlas Battery Facebook
And last but not the least, we have Champa. Born and raised in a village, Champa had only ever seen a wood burning stove. She recognized the problems these stoves bring along with them including having to constantly collect wood to fuel them and the smoke they emitted causing various health issues. Champa then got herself trained in the skill of making ecofriendly stoves made from bricks, hay and cement. After learning to make these stoves, Champa spread the knowledge around and went to neighboring villages helping women there make the stoves as well charging a minimal fee for her skills.

All of these Pakistanis restore my faith in humanity and strengthen my resolve to do something for my fellow countrymen and women. I hope they encourage and motivate you to do the same as well.

Which of these heroes inspired you the most?


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