Have A Heart

Image not owned by me

It has been a few days since the Peshawar tragedy but a tragedy this huge will garner attention for years to come. And right now, it is all we can talk about. And with good reason, an event like this deems for a nation to feel pain forevermore.

That being said, a source of outlet for most of our grief seems to be social networking sites. Twitter and Facebook to be exact. The users from Pakistan’s profiles on both sites have ‘gone black’. There are a myriad of posts on both about people exclaiming about how the horrific event has affected them and what actions the government should take towards the beasts who committed this crime. And as good as that is, seeing that nation is awake and demanding revenge. There is a downside. Some of stories being shared are getting exaggerated. I don’t know from where the distorted tale originates but it horrifies me that so many people are doing this. So much so that the deceased Principals son made a status to clarify that his mother was not burned alive in front of her students and Mrs Saima Tariq’s husband made a public post stating the actual facts as well. My plea is simple; if you do not know what happened, don’t make it up. Don’t deceive the public. Don’t try to seem like you know ‘inside’ details by spreading false stories of the atrocities committed inside that school.

The nation is already grieving; don’t kick it while it’s down. This brings me to my next point, the sharing of pictures of the dead bodies of the children. It’s hard enough to write about this but to see it, is much more painful. So imagine what people go through when they look at the images of piles of dead children, lying on the cold floor in their uniforms. It amazes me that someone even had the stomach to take those pictures in the first place, much less make them viral. I appeal to everyone to please, please STOP sharing these pictures. We know what happened at that school and God forbid that we even for a moment forget it. The incident has been branded into our brains. The day will be remembered as one of the darkest in not only this country’s but the whole world’s history. So please stop sharing pictures of the children’s bloodied bodies. It is helping no one.

And if you still want to share them, to make sure no one forgets what went down in that school. To torture the world and make sure no one gets sleep at night. Just for a minute think about the fact that those children left behind families and friends. People who use these sites as well. Now imagine, what they would feel if they came across one of these images. And one of the dead bodies in it happened to be of their child or their friend. They would relive the heart wrenching incident all over again. Is that something we want to do? Remind people of the loss they've suffered? No. I don’t think it is.

So in the end, all I’d like to say is that, yes, we should not forget the incident and still care about getting revenge. But don’t lose sight of who you might hurt in the process. Don’t exaggerate and add facts to stories that you might not know to be true and don’t under any circumstances share pictures of the kids, unless it’s one of where they we’re alive and smiling.

These families have been through enough, let’s not give them anymore pain.


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