Who Am I?

I recently started university and being in a new place, I had to start from scratch to make friends, to make introductions. As cliched as it may sound, I have come to the point where I am forced to ask myself a question I honestly do not know the answer to. Who am I?

I have always defined myself in the roles I play. As a daughter, sister, friend, student and the list goes on. But I now realize that I don't know who I am.I just know who I have to be and when. The realization hit me when I was asked to describe myself in two lines. I couldn't think of anything. I was blank.

I know what I like and dislike. Is that what makes a human, a person? Is that who I am? The things that I like and dislike?
There are times when I think I am just a mere reflection. A reflection of the opinions around me. My mentality totally shaped by society. My mannerism, exactly like my parents. My likes and dislikes like those of my friends. My self esteem based on the amount of likes I get on a picture. I am a reflection. Unoriginal. A mass product of society.

The most daunting question I am ever asked is about myself. When faced with a blank paper, I strain my mind to answer this very question. How does one define themselves?

Everyone says you find out who you really are in university. It's the time to discover your true self but i'm not sure. I feel like i'm a jumble of emotions. Sad one minute. Happy the next. I don't understand myself. And I don't know why.

How can a person feel so hollow one minute and so whole the other?

Maybe i'm bipolar. Maybe this is normal.



  1. Ummm I wondered the same thing a while back, and I realised regarding my self that I'm an abstract. Painted in colour by my parents, my family, my friends, my teachers and then there's like this 20% part of me which just comes from the heart (some people believe the heart is just an organ so maybe what I'm referring to is called conscience but am not sure) like it just comes from inside of me. Maybe it's from the experiences one has or the type of person Allah has made us. Some are funny, some are more serious, some are bold, some are shy.. so I think a little portion of you are comes naturally to you. All in all the person you are at the end of a day iis not a reflection. No a reflection is too boring to unoriginal.You're an abstract painted in different colours and different strokes from every other human being. A work of art in it's most listeral sense.

    At least that's how I see it. Hope that helps :)


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